BookTrust Cymruさんのプロフィール画像

BookTrust Cymruさんのイラストまとめ

BookTrust Cymru works to inspire a love of reading in children.

Mae BookTrust Cymru’n gweithio er mwyn ysbrydoli cariad at ddarllen ymysg plant.

フォロー数:1881 フォロワー数:3280

Cuddle up with your child and enjoy having Ti... / You... read to you in Welsh right here:

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Ydych chi’n chwilio am lyfrau Cymraeg neu Saesneg i’w darllen i’ch baban?

Are you looking for books to read to your baby in Welsh or English?

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Fun Activities!

Helen Docherty, the author of books including The Snatchabook and The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight, has some fab free activities for you. Make a mouse hero mask or find out how to draw The Snatchabook! And much more.

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Gweithgareddau hwyl!

Mae Helen Docherty, awdur llyfrau arbennig fel The Snatchabook a The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight, wedi paratoi gweithgareddau arbennig. Cyfle i greu masg arwr llygoden neu ddarganfod sut i dynnu llun y Snatchabook a mwy.

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If you're looking for fun things to keep children entertained, don’t forget to check out the BookTrust Cymru HomeTime Cupboard! It's packed full of treats, including draw alongs and stories in English and Welsh, it's just waiting for you….

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Cwtsiwch â’ch plentyn a mwynhau cael rhywun yn darllen Ti... / You... ichi yn Gymraeg yma...

Cuddle up with your child and enjoy having Ti... / You... read to you in Welsh right here...

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It's Monday again, what rhymes will you be singing, saying or trying this week?

Dydd Llun eto, pa rigymau fyddi di'n eu hadrodd, canu neu roi gynnig arnyn nhw yr wythnos hon?

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Bore da bawb!
Beth am fwynhau rhai gweithgareddau difyr gyda’ch un bach?

Good morning everyone!
Enjoy some fun activities with your little one!

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Rhyming is fun for all the family! Don’t forget we have loads of rhymes for everyone. If you have a 0-3 year old we have amazing rhymes for you to share

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Mae odli a rhigymu’n hwyl i’r teulu cyfan! Peidiwch ag anghofio fod llwyth o rigymau I bawb! Os oes gennych blentyn 0-3 oed, mae gennym rigymau gwych y gallwch eu rhannu.

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