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Ydych chi wedi methu rhai o drêts cyffrous AmserGartref y BookTrust?
Agorwch y cwpwrdd AmserGartref: https://t.co/YoCUJbcsi2
Have you missed some of our exciting BookTrust Cymru HomeTime treats?
Open the HomeTime cupboard: https://t.co/PZ8e7KsmhW
@WelshLibraries @EarlyWales
Edrychwch ar y tudalennau gweithgaredd anhygoel gan Helen Docherty, awdur The Snatchabook a The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight. Mae llwyth yma i chi fwynhau:https://t.co/OausTpofOd
@WelshLibraries @MudiadMeithrin @GwEGogleddCymru
Check out the amazing activity sheets from Helen Docherty, the author of The Snatchabook and The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight. There are loads for you to enjoy, check them out here:https://t.co/OausTpofOd
@WelshLibraries @MudiadMeithrin @PowysFp @ErwCymru
Dyn ni’n meddwl bod dydd Sul yn galw am ychydig o bobi. Os oes angen rhywfaint o ysbrydoliaeth arnoch chi, gwelwch ein llyfrau penigamp am fwyd...
We think Sunday calls for a bit of baking. If you need a bit of inspiration, check out these fab foodie books...
Mae rhannu llyfrau’n hwyl i’r teulu cyfan! Bydd eich plantos yn dwlu cael rhieni, nain, taid, brodyr a chwiorydd yn darllen iddyn nhw, does dim ots pwy! Beth am gael sgwrs fideo yn darllen stori? @EarlyWales @WelshActive @MudiadMeithrin @Cymraegforkids @PlayWales @WelshLibraries
Sharing books is fun for all the family! Your little ones will love being read to by parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters alike! Why not video chat a story time?
@EarlyWales @WelshActive @MudiadMeithrin @Cymraegforkids @PlayWales @WelshLibraries
😋🥴😆Don’t be afraid to make faces when your rhyming. Rhymes and songs can introduce children to new expressions. Sharing rhymes and songs again and again helps children master the language that they hear - in both English and Welsh. #PoriDrwyStori
😋🥴😆 ag ofni tynnu wynebau wrth rigymu. Gall rhigymau a chaneuon gyflwyno ymadroddion newydd i blant. Gall rhannu rhigymau a chaneuon dro ar ôl tro helpu plant i feistroli'r iaith y byddan nhw'n eu clywed – yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. #PoriDrwyStori
Os ydych chi’n edrych am bethau sy’n hwyl i ddifyrru plant, peidiwch ag anghofio mynd i Gwpwrdd AmserGartref BookTrust Cymru! Mae’n llawn dop o drêts, gan gynnwys tynnu lluniau ar y cyd a straeon yn Gymraeg a Saesneg; mae’n aros amdanoch chi: https://t.co/YYigjE6qre