

ツイ廃の日本史アカ 社会人学生 ニコニコ静画とツイッターで「椿散る」「南禅寺楼門破却事件」連載中 現在「椿散る」をSRPG化中 

フォロー数:5518 フォロワー数:3418

椿散る 主人公勢



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Bone Continent Saga English version


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Bone Continent Saga(骨大陸戦記) English version
Chapter 9: The last stand at the Castle of the Fires


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That is a prologue...fighting back bandits attacking his land and his people decribes in Tutorial stage and 2nd and 3rd stage.
After prologue, Sabro started working for Lord Sadatoki, They could understand their minds.
Sabro decided to dedicated his loyalty to his lord Sadatoki.

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...Before being ordered to serve lord Sadatoki Hojo.
He has been fighting back so many bandits (recently the breakdown of them started including Ex-Gokenins...)

Sometimes he was about to die, but his fiancee Akiko Seki supported him. He came back from the death and

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His uncle was raising his nephew Sabro Nagasaki(15 years old) and recommend Sabro to his new lord, and new chancellor Sadatoki Hojo(13 years old.)
So Sabro was ordered to work for protection for his land(Nagasaki Village), very important land for their clan for several years...

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His elder uncle has been working for Hojo clan, especially ex-chancellor of shogunate, Tokimune Hojo(8th chancellor known as dictator but leaded very well and united all Gokenins in Japan to fight for Mongol invasion.)

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Sabro Nagasaki(長崎三郎)is from Nagasaki clan(長崎氏), one of branches of Heishi(平氏), his elder uncle Yoritsuna Taira(平頼綱)and his cousin Zirou Taira(平二郎)are leading.
They are ”Miuchibitos”, serving his lord Hojo clan(北条氏).

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ようやく日の目を見ることになった人物だが 実はかなりのマイナーキャラだった。(北条義時と上総介広常も大概だったが)


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仕事中に↓なったので 早退して祇園四条のサウナ 行ってきました。
(どんだけ冷え切っとったんや 儂の身体)


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