

kian (no, my name isn’t Brad) • artist (mostly fanart) • bunny dad • enjoyer of fitness and manliness 💪 • destroyer of worlds •

フォロー数:273 フォロワー数:452

Oooo what’s all this then?

I’m Dap and I make art sometimes. My style go ????&??””?? and my hand go <|*<8(/&:&:”03?(;-(%+€<≠#•<%\*{{•:0

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Horikoshi is such a king; he made FLAT COLORS look FUCKING AMAZING. No shading (except for some in the line art) no highlights, just. flat. colors. And it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Please give that man all the awards.

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I can’t believe I’m so attached to Matt, who literally existed for 69 seconds. Anyway stan Matt <3

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Link from Legend of Zelda (particularly Twilight Princess😳)

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Without downloading new pics, what’s it like dating you?

I’m aro don’t touch me

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Elementary: very cutesy and weird and always knew shit you didn’t

Middle school: just,,,, sadness and regret plus being weird and dark

Freshman year: stopped giving a shit, never slept, started listing to mcr

Now: I have skills and am preparing for when they come for me

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Kaminari reaction image “The Pain Never Really Ends”

Feel free to use without credit, but don’t edit out my @ >:[

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Me vs antagonist me

Antagonist me is just me in my true form

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