follow me over @kinjalee there is nothing here

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TO THOSE OF Y'ALL WITH ETSY ORDERS IN THE PAST 5 DAYS (Not all of them are seen here), I'm shipping all orders this late afternoon! I'll shoot y'all a message, so expect one today! 🐸💖

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So with a lot of nervousness and excitement, I'm opening my Etsy shop back up! There's entirely new stuff on there this time around, so maybe check out my stuff!

To start, my Peach and Daisy charms are live now! Check em out y'all!

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Another zine preview! This one is for the , which I'm STOKED to be a part of! This isn't even 1/4 of the full image, and there are about 3-4 more shots/polaroids of then that are a part of this bigger piece!

This is getting ambitious quickly, but I do it for Them

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Ayyyy I've been lacking in posting art lately, because I'm doing 5 zines, 2 dating sims, and dying all at once 😎🔫🔫🔫 Meaning I can't post a lot of what I'm working on, so I'm gonna start posting previews!

This is for the Fenris zine! It ain't done, but it's getting there 🤞

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So y'all have been helping me decide on designs for the couple of this side project of mine, so now you can help me decide on my third and final character for the story 🔥🔥🔥

So yeah this is him. I'm very torn between these 3 designs.

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My DnD group chat has been popping off with Harry Potter AUs, so here's a self-gratifying doodle of the Big Beefy Monk™

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Yoo! It was super fun to ask everyone what they thought of some hairstyles I was trying to decide between, and I wanna keep it going.

I'm between these two designs for both characters. I'm getting closer, so feel free to let me know which one y'all like more! 👌👌👌

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Guess who just dropped $350 on some new charm and sticker orders??? 😎🔫

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Finally made this reversible charm design, after a LONG time of people blowing me up about making it.

I love the back side (Right pic), but I may change the eyes on the front side? Something seems off.

But hey! I get to put in orders soon!!!

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