follow me over @kinjalee there is nothing here

フォロー数:545 フォロワー数:399

I don't know why I did this but I sure did it

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Back in business. 😈💤

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If talking to other DnD peeps at ALA taught me anything, it's that Deidra has been LONG overdue for an actual reference sheet.

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Bonus content: Digital Art

A lot of people ask me at cons how to get okay at digital art, and I'll say the same thing here: Just do it a lot, all the time, be bad to start, and I swear you get better.

Just practice y'all 👌

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So many ALA commissions my hands are fucking shaking

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Please come by my table and appreciate Masahiro Sakurai with me with this button I made

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Check me out at SacAnime tomorrow!! I'm selling a lotta neat junk this time around and a few new things, so come by and see me at Table K12!!

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11. Kaehavandias "Kaeha" Dragmire: my half orc blood hunter that I've only used once! To do his voice I legit just go right into Thor because it works.

I wanna use Kaeha again y'all he's good.

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4. Mary: Part of the first creative project I started taking seriously. I started writing DREAM/DIVE's story while going through horrible depression, and it shows a LOT on the comic (especially towards the conclusion).

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