

Just some eldritch blob that likes doodlin' robots, fantasy stuff and other dumb shit. I doodle when I feel like it. Occasionally Suggestive.

フォロー数:1132 フォロワー数:1433

Forretress! He's a good fella. I think at this point I just like round Pokémon or somethin'.

Also some painting experiment stuff.

9 38

A quickie for - Spider + Food

It's a spaghetti spider!

3 28

Gonna catch up on eventually! Here's Bat + Magical Girl

... I dunno how magical girls work. Something about dresses and sticks, right?

7 24

Robot + Demon for It's a lil' robot imp!

Right, how many days behind am I?
... Shit. Better crack on, then!

20 66

Just did a quick fix for that Mushroom gal - her chest... shoulder... things...? Whatever, they're more even now.

0 11

There we go - some proper goes at

Cyclops + Scarecrow (IT COUNTS I SWEAR)
And Mushroom + Mimic

16 103

Been fiddlin' with designs for a human character (shocking, I know!) She's an occultist of some description.

5 23

Bit of Mae, with some design tweaks. Now with 30% more pointy bits!

11 53

Tried some non-specific, smooth style. Don't like it as much. Lot of shit I'd need to look into.

I also like my lines THIIIIIICC

0 15