

BugPudding is an Online Comic updated every Tuesday & Thursday.

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I am J.P. Keslensky co-creator of BugPudding along with my daughter Sara Bernstein at https://t.co/lGj8juYlNk

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Here are two example of my changes over the years comic wise

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Climb to the top of a mountain, engage the lightning collector and use a fire extinguisher to put out the resulting fire :)

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My 2021 resolution is to do more shout outs to my friends

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Greeting to all, J.P.Keslensky one of the creators of BugPudding

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JP Keslensky and associates reporting for eggnog and

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Greeting to all , J.P. Keslensky co-creator of BugPudding joining in to on Dec 2nd.

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Sara came up with this panel because it just naturally flowed from the cast wondering who is pulling the strings

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OK here's a sneak peek at tomorrow's Pudding this is panel of 4

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