

Goblin headlines brought to you by ace reporter Bugbat Jones. Action, intrigue and generally gross antics. Goblinous roleplay, the sulfurous smell of fun.

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Bugbat Kitchin is filmed in front of live studio cave. We got special guest from deep cave cookin up they well tasty Snake Cake for us. Gluten free cause no stimky surface flowers used! We try not to drool in pan too much but it smell so good.

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Super exclusive interview! Rare double head Goblin come out of deep caves in search of flesh. He not able to talk in much more than gruntin but he tell us about well delicious recipe for Snake Cake we gonna serve on tomorrow show!

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In amazin turn of events, racer Stink Grumbles tame cave beast let loose on track and in contest well fast. He end up also bein only one who not flee or get eaten, but he and new pet from deep caves fast friends. Well inspirint!

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Prankster causes chaos when he try to make foot race more entertaining. Lotta ruckus happen when giant cave monster let loose as starting horn dooted, and get well angry cause it turns out it hungry and hate horn dootin.

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Goblin scientists test water supply for nasty bugs and foul specks. They use high tech scoopers and tasters and find that not only is water good for drinking, it have lots of wiggly nutrients in it too. Yummy!

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He havin a not so good time.

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