

Goblin headlines brought to you by ace reporter Bugbat Jones. Action, intrigue and generally gross antics. Goblinous roleplay, the sulfurous smell of fun.

フォロー数:400 フォロワー数:229

Special segment, cooking with Bugbat. To make guest happy, find snail, put spicy slime on top. If guests very hungry, battle Giant Cave Snail and cut into big sections. It sort of poisonous, but they be fine. Top with little plants like fancy humans and enjoy.

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Bugbat Jones report live from rock eating contest. Many hungry Goblin here today, show off who have tuffest teef. Already one caught just swallowin rocks, so he out. So far Tarrar Filtheata in lead with 20,, just ahead of Flat Tooth Trub. Exciting!

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In lighter news, all present have good laugh when local Goblin slip on frog he try to crush with hammer. Witness say he miss swing and land on bum. Goblin named Garlic Jam, say he alright since he still get to eat frog. Inspirational!

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Work interrupted in mine due to Cave Ogre eating all workers. Don't try to sneak past unless he already busy eating. Boss real mad about all the eaten Goblins, so hopefully it get full soon. More as story develop.

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