BunAni @ BD2さんのプロフィール画像

BunAni @ BD2さんのイラストまとめ

ドイツ人、04/09 生まれ、音楽と映画と図画が好き;現在の選好:「テイルズ オブ」シリーズ、「ファイナルファンタジー」シリーズ、僕のヒーローアカデミア、ハイキュー!!、うたプリ、Mystic Messenger、イケメンシリーズ(サイバード);典型的なオタク〜 (笑);グラフィック・デザイナー

フォロー数:889 フォロワー数:57

I've been using CSP Pro since forever and I'm more than happy with it 😊 Here's some recent artwork~

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I think I'd say Estelle for the first one as well. The second one though... I can't decide between Harold, Nanaly and Illia. Though I think I'd say Illia based on this image (I think the costume style fits)

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I'm slowly figuring out how I'd like to work with colors 🙃 (without them trying to give me nervous breakdown 🤣)

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Colors and I still aren't on good terms but we're trying 🙃🤣

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Ikemen Revolution is finally available in English! A huge THANK YOU to everyone at for all your hard work! ❤️

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liked the sketch, so I gave him some (messy) colors

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Happy Birthday, cutie pie! Not your favourite, but you mentioned you liked this one, too 😘

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