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#Cartoons4Change invites cartoonist to denounce the horrors of child labor in supply chains of corporations. June 12 is #WorldDayAgainstChildLabor. In 2021 Intl. Year for the Elimination of Child Labor it increased! Corporations don't plan to eliminate it -it's highly profitable!
En Año Int. para Eliminación del Trabajo Infantil, el trabajo infantil incrementó. @Cartoons4Change invita a caricaturistas de todos los continentes a denunciar la explotación 12/06 #DíaMundialContraelTrabajoInfantil. Caricatura @Pontifex creada por @rodriguezmonos. @aresBiescas
June 12 is #WorldDayAgainstChildLabor, 2021 Intl Year Elimination Child Labor, child labor has increased! We ask cartoonists to denounce horrors of child labor in supply chains of corporations & developed nations. They don't have plans to eliminate child labor - it's profitable!
12/06 #WorldDayAgainstChildLabor. In 2021 the Intl Year for the Elimination of Child Labor, child labor has increased! We invite cartoonists to denounce child labor in the supply chains of corporations and developed nations. They don't want to eliminate it - it's very profitable!
.@FMdelaC demands PM @erna_solberg that Norway stops profiting from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor children via @norgesbank's investments in 100s of corporations with child labor business models. @BrentSwailsCNN @McKenzieCNN @lebo_diseko @AnneKiguta @Chriseldalewis
Dear @HKlemetsdal, June 12th is World Day Against Child Labor, 2021 Intl Year for the Elimination of Child Labor: Is it likely that @erna_solberg #erikssonsoreide @norwayMFA announce that Norway has decided to stop protifing from the exploitation of tens of millions of children?
For too many corporations child labor is the best way to reduce costs and increase profits. The South African cartoonist @Mangenatoons created this illustration for @AfriNewsAgency on #ChildProtectionWeek 2021 is Intl Year for the Elimination of Child Labor and it is increasing!
@FMdelaC @OysteinBorsum @erna_solberg @NorgesBank @OlufUlseth @JosephEStiglitz @JeffDSachs @mariuslorentzen @SteinarHolden @LoveLiman @johansaettem @aashildlangved @timothylarge @sbjoernstad @FGudbrandsen @takvamnrk @SolveigHorne June 12 is World Day Against Child Labor, 2021 is Intl Year Against Child Labor, @erna_solberg @jantoresanner @NorwayMFA @stortinget don't plan to eliminate child labor even in their "Fairtrade" coffee, tea & cocoa. Child labor=BILLION$ in profits/Yr for @norgesbank. @ottummelas
Fernando Morales-de la Cruz-@FMdelaC asked PM @erna_solberg to announce on World Day Against #ChildLabor -June 12- that Norway/@NorgesBank will stop profiting from the exploitation of tens of millions of poor children. Illustration @mwcartoons cc @ToneTSG @HelenaBLamb @AndreasBF
Editorial cartoonists are journalists that use art and #FreedomOfSpeech to defend the weak and denounce abuses by the powerful. Illustration by @Mangenatoons
#WorldPressFreedomDay #PressFreedomDay #WorldPressFreedomDay2021 #LibertadDePrensa #DiaMundialDeLaLibertadDePrensa