Cody Savoie ☕️さんのプロフィール画像

Cody Savoie ☕️さんのイラストまとめ

Cajun Voice Actor ⚜️ ‖ Gambit #MarvelMove ‖ X-Less #MHA ‖ Mont-d'Or #OnePiece ‖ Irie #Higurashi ‖ Kaneda #Aoashi ‖ Aoi #TheDemonPrinceofMomochiHouse

フォロー数:462 フォロワー数:1302

14. Jimmy's a bit of an obvious pick. I was originally thinking "just make Ashley playable," but I think Jimmy's iconic status is more important for his inclusion. Also wanted Orbulon, then I realized I added Giygas and didn't want to overload on aliums.

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13. Eggplant Wizard. Again, I don't know much about the Kid Icarus series. I didn't play Uprising, but I know that THIS GUY is in the franchise. Who could resist?

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12. I don't know anything about the Fire Emblem series, but I'm told this is a bad guy. So the Black Knight in any of his iterations is IN (mostly Zelgius, I guess). More heavies! More villains! So far we only have one swordboi with a giant sword, but he's not a heavy. So sure.

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10. Black Shadow. Since a bud of mine chose James McCloud, hey... more villain rep! This one's pretty obvious and self-explanatory, so I won't. Next.

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8. This might be a trend in my list, adding villains to the roster of a series to balance things out. Gengar is a heavy, has a moveset already with Pokken, and this is most important: IMAGINE THE TAUNTS. Yes, Lick has to be in there somewhere. Screenshots, here we come.

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5. Maybe choosing Kamek for Yoshi is cheating, but he plays such an important role in the Yoshi's Island games, so I'm going for it. More magic users please, less swordbois.

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4. The Chozo! I always loved the statue and the lore behind the Chozo who raised Samus after Ridley left her orphaned. They're crazy cool bird monster aliens with some rad tech. Just a Chozo, maybe with the statue as an alternate skin, or the Chozo Ghosts from Prime even.

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3. Ganon isn't the only villain in Zelda's bestiary. And I think everyone's second favorite would be this guy. He's got a potential moveset with plenty nightmare fuel transformations. Or maybe we can throw the Four Sword into his hand since it's his game of origin.

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2. Dixie Kong from DKC2, one of my favorite entries in the entire series. She plays electric guitar with her hair god-fucking-dammit! Overall, her hair-based moves would make her different than Diddie, no question.

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1. Has everyone forgotten about Birdo? Could also come equipped as an overall SSB2 representative given it's her game of origin. Could spit eggs or even do the succ on items like Villager. Uh huh.

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