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Drawpile with friends, ended up doing a study of some dark maigican girl statue. Not bad.
day 28: Future
Everything about them--the walk, the groove, the fro; It all screams a Futurebot.
day 27: Centre
Centre, the core of the galaxy, from which all expanded outwards.
day 26: Wall
Wallbot is a rogue bot, however unlike most rouge bots that turn to degenerate acts and crime, Wallbot simply seeks to challenge the strong. He has offered $500 to anyone who could defeat him; Obviously, he's yet to part with it.
day 25: Thing
Thingbot is not of this world. Most are unsure if it's even a robot. It was detained after going on a stabbing spree, injuring 30 people. It has since then escaped, however.
day 22: Old
Relish, The Old Ochre Sprinter, is one for the 4 Earthly Lords. She governs both taste and smell, and with her swift legs, she raised the sun and tilled the soils of the planet, giving rise to all plant life.
day 18: Glow
Glowbots are used by marine biologists to navigate and explore the deepest depths of the oceans while remaining as unobtrusive to the local fauna as possible. The glowing apparatus grants a bit of clarity for the mono eye's camera image.
day 17: Loop
This creature has been designated as The Loopbot, due to its extraordinary ability to put people within a sort of loop of actions for an unspecified amount of time. Researchers believe that it's not of this planet, or possibly even this realm.
day 15: Weeds
Weedbots are complimentary to Plantbots and are seen working in tandem with one another. Weedbots are equipped with dual reinforced titanium hip articulators and piston systems in the arms to aid in the pulling of weeds. They usually struggle.
Day 14: Plant
In efforts to supplement revitalization of plant life in arid areas, Plantbots are usually seen supporting local botanical gardens. They contain an extensive database on all known plant species. The torso contains a small compost chamber.