

Yo wut? {Banner by @FrostyGFXs PFP by @DeimondTR}

フォロー数:527 フォロワー数:572

And I’d do business with you again

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Looking at the list of art you really do get to see your style evolve over time

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OC Reveal: Himiko Suzuki is a woman that can come across as brash and over bearing, but is in reality an understanding and helpful person. Owner of her own cafe “Sakura Haven” and armed with the strength to make the fur of most beasts stick up, she is proud of her modest life.

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FF: Axylia is more than capable learn Lightning and Ice based spells. She just chooses to limit herself to using Fire based Magic along various other lesser explored fields of magic. This is often seen as her stubbornly sticking to one trick but in reality it’s a result of-

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Miko would be unironically good at chess

She doesn’t even need to know how to play well all she needs to do is stare mockingly at her opponent

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FF: Oracion and Lokiil actually consider each other friends. Their close but not in traditional sense. The two go back to before Oracion received his curse and before Lokiil turned into a demon. Alongside their other three friends at the time they were all inseparable.

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