

Yo wut? {Banner by @FrostyGFXs PFP by @DeimondTR}

フォロー数:549 フォロワー数:555

Oracion’s regeneration from his 9th form didn’t just happen on a dime. The battle he fought that triggered it was disadvantageous from the start because both he and Chronoa had let their guard down. Oracion’s adversary was an anomaly that the two had failed to remedy in the past.

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After their most recent battle, Chronoa told Oracion that several space-time anomalies appeared around Earth and mentioned they were difficult to track. He asked her what they should do about it, and energetically, she suggested searching for them directly and incognito.

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This shot of Torhu hits different

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Still waiting on that comic where Amber and Yoimiya are college roommates

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Looks like it’s Amber Day

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