

🇬🇧 living in 🇳🇴 • 🏳️‍⚧️ • 📊 ISFJ • 📡 Fennec • 🦊 Fursuiter since 2019 • 🧼 SFW • 🐺 Dexter wrangler • ☕️ Lover • 🎧 80s music • 🍿 90s TV • 👍🏼 Trying

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Oh my. That looks like a lot of protein 😏

0 7

Open Telegram, the third most recently used sticker is the reaction you'll get if you pulled your undies down in public...

7 270

(Actually a lie. I've been up for ages and I've tidiest the house and made breakfast, like a good housewife fen) 😇

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