

🇬🇧 living in 🇳🇴 • 🏳️‍⚧️ • 📊 ISFJ • 📡 Fennec • 🦊 Fursuiter since 2019 • 🧼 SFW • 🐺 Dexter wrangler • ☕️ Lover • 🎧 80s music • 🍿 90s TV • 👍🏼 Trying

フォロー数:343 フォロワー数:4911

I can give you something to fit into better

0 7

I'd like to think we're friends 🥺

0 4

How many fennecs have you snuggled?

0 5

Chocolate is the yummiest thing ever though!

0 3

After taking various types of antidepressants for the past few years, I think I'm in a position where I can start ramping them down. If all goes well, I'll be completely off of them on November 13th. Fingers crossed! 💊 📉

3 90

You'd need at least a 500L box for my ears!

0 3