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Our hot seller eyeshadow sebaris ni sebab cuma RM12 je uolls. Ada 4 pilhan warna yg boleh create both daily and smoky look. Hot seller is code 01, 02 and 03. Kita ada juga ready stock ye tp stok mmg terhad, first come first serve ye. Warna dia mmg long lasting n blend smoothly

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Well, Focallure ni memang bnyk gila eyeshadow palette, bermula kita pun dok collect tp skrg dah tak terkejar sbb asik keluar yg baru je. Mcm yg palette ni, kita panggil nude pink palette walaupun ada 2 jenis warna lain dalam collection ni. RM20

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Another eyeshadow palette from Focallure. For this palette, ada 3 pilihan warna utk yg minat warna pink2, yg orangy or yg bold colour. Harga cuma RM25 je, yg penting mmg original n confirm pigmented. Love sangatt sbb mcm2 look kita boleh buat dgn palette ni.

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Eyeshadow ni mmg hot selling sgt2 sebab ada 9 colour n cuma RM12 je. Ada warna matte & shimmer. Colour yg sgt pigmented n tak bnyk fallouts. Eyeshadow original dgn harga yg sgt murah. Yg mmg selalu jd pilihan code 01, 03 & 05.

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Fall in love sangat eyeshadow Focallure. Sebab memang sejenis eyeshadow yang pigmented gila tapi harga murah kaw kaw. Kalau untuk collection Tropical Vacation ni ada 2 jenis, kita panggil eyeshadow palette E and T. Palette T, dia more to natural and berry tones. RM25

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Sugar cube Single palette ni one of the reason why kita sendiri fall in love dgn eyeshadow. single cube ni khas utk eyeshadow lovers yg mungkin dah ada palette with other colours & nk add on 1/2 colours for their collection. Each colour is just RM10.

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Another trio is this one, yg ni lebih besar sikit dari trio bulat. Tapi trio yang ni ada blusher and highlight, the highlight pun ada 2 warna yang match with your skin tone. Warna blusher and highlighter dia memang cantik sangat sebab kita boleh dapat healthy glow w 1 swipe. RM12

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Best seller Focallure sculpt & glow ni ada 4 pilihan, yg best nya boleh guna untuk bentuk kan muka kita. boleh guna bahagian coklat tu untuk contour tu & yg highlight tu utk highest points dekat muka kita. Sesuai untuk contour, shading, sculpt and highlight all in one. RM25

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Kalau tgk highlight palette ni mesti mcm seriau tgk sbb ada warna biru kan, tp bila pakai, warna dia tak kn jd biru kt muka. Tengoklah swatches dia, memang cantik. Highlight ni memang pigmented & Northern lights palette ni pun latest edition from Focallure. RM30 jee

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Highlight latest edition from Focallure ni consists of 4 colours yg memang sesuai untuk both daily & glam look. Klau nk pakai untuk daily, boleh pilih yg more to your skin colour supaya dia nmpk subtle glow. Kalau nk yg glam look, boleh pakai 2 warna & blend. RM30

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