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Highlight & contour stick ni one of our best seller sbb mmg best sangat guna untuk shading or highlight. untuk shading hidung, shading pipi, boleh glide je and dap guna brush/beauty blender. texture memang cremy and senang nak blend. one of our personal favourite RM12 😍😍

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Blusher paling hot selling yg ni sbb cuma RM 6 jeee. Mmg murah gila & dahlah warna pun cantik & sgttt pigmented. Colour favourite ramai is Tipsy, ada readystock jugak tau. Order hri ni, kita akan terus poskan. Ni kita jual dlm pan ye, kalau nk request dlm bekas pun boleee.

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Yg best sgt marble blusher ni sbb dia mixture blusher dgn highlights, so bila pakai dekat pipi nmpk glowing je. Memang cantik tp kalau pipi kita ad uneven texture, tak digalakkan sgt pakai yg ni sbb nnt nmpk lg obvious flaws. Marble blusher ni blh jgk buat jd eyeshadow tau RM12

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Pressed blusher ni salah satu latest edition by Focallure which ada 9 colour and yang paling letup sekali warna 06. Blusher ni akan bagi look healthy skin sebab warna dia natural je. Warna dia akan jadi subtle je dekat skin kita and bagi natural glow. RM15

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Silky Ombre Blush pun one of the latest edition yang ada gabungan 3 colour in 1 bekas. ada 4 shades (#5 dah out of stock tau) which is 2 more to pink blush and 2 more to orange blush. Memang cantik gilaaaa, nak nangis tengok gabungan 3 colour ni. RM25

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Big cover concealer is a new formula which is more pigment than the other concealer. Ada 4 shades yang boleh dipilih untuk cover our flaws. Texture concealer ni lebih senang digunakan untuk cover parut and not for highlight. RM12

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Loose powder latest edition ni texture dia finer than ever. packaging dia ada net dekat centre bekas tu. Which means we need to press sponge dekat tengah & dab dekat muka. Cara macam ni akan ensure tak ada excessive powder yang tumpah and sesuai je untuk set makeup RM25

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Magnetic lipstick ni best seller sbb packaging dia memang best. penutup dia akan magnetically attached dengan body lipstick tu which means memang susah untuk terbuka. packaging yang memang eksklusif and warna pun memang cantik. Yg ni semi Matte tau, pkai bnyk layer pun boleh RM12

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Velvet Lipmatte ni pun salah satu latest edition by focallure which is really high pigmented. Warna dia lebih terang and bold compared the liquid lipstick yang lain which is more suitable untuk full face makeup look or yang nak pegi event/diiner. RM 12

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Waterproof lipstick ni pun hot selling sebab improved formula. Lipstick ni waterproof. Warna memang cantik & smooth je. Tp kena ingt tau kalau nak pakai liquid lipstick matte, memang kena prep dlu lips supaya tak kering. Ada 14 warna yg cantik letuppp & yg penting murah RM12 je

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