

Fulltime bird

フォロー数:1151 フォロワー数:527

First time I realize, this guy on the left is in all likelihood a Moritat. Maybe we get some lore on them in the upcoming Corax book.

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1. "Hmm this looks promising 10011000101....."

2. "Wilhem's scream"

3. "Mates, you do realize we have like 30 Gauss Cannons pointed directly at us?"

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The Corax novel will be the tenth entry for the Primarch series.
Written by none other than Guy Haley.
Now that is something I can get behind.
Also it gave us this awesome new artwork.

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566.006.M31Istvaan V
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
"Yup, that's me. You're are probably wondering how I ended up in this situation..."

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