

Fulltime bird

フォロー数:1163 フォロワー数:565

Me checking out the Warhammer adventure characters: "hmm cool a galactic explorer's child, this one's a runaway hive kid that's awesome, a tech priest protege nice.... hmm this one is a tactical Primaris Ultramari...waaait a minute."

3 29

Swol Bird Battle Brother by

1 5

I sometimes moan about how I detest painting white miniatures.
Did I ever elaborate why?
Biel-Tan Guardians, that's why.
I was 11 years old, didn't grasped the concept of shades. The layers...they were thicc.
But they looked so nice on the cover.
(Art by RedAgent1010)

5 13

is pretty 40k this year... (1/?)

1 14

Bunch of Eldar Stuff, the second is probably one of my favorites.

1 7

Sorting through 3000+ pictures on my phone, tryin to create some kind of order.
Talk to y'all in 5 hours.

0 8