

News Poster/Shitposter for the Girls' Frontline Series

フォロー数:330 フォロワー数:23625

I've read a few stray comments here and there that "people are turning/turned gay for me" after I revealed this avatar.

Should I be concerned or roll with it?

11 242

Similar energy?

17 171

1 small problem:
I had to recommend a 1 star, Skill level 10 Taunt Fairy to be used.

Oh the humanity...

EN is doomed.

5 97

Just finished recording guides for Mirror Stage campaign on normal difficulty.

Let's just say that the difficulty spike on chapter 4 of Mirror Stage (last chapter of MS) is very similar to chapter 5 of Shattered Connexion.

HOWEVER, you can definitely complete it with 1* fairies

12 117

Don’t start using StarCraft quotes on me.

1 16

Go back into retirement

0 22

Well, it’s all thanks to taking YouTube as a hobby I guess... who knew teaching people how to clear a map efficiently got me this far.

If you told me that I will have the confidence to communicate with people 3 years ago, i would’ve walked away and cried myself to sleep

0 5

Bad English on the earlier tweet because of Twitter’s character limit. Why does a character limit exist on this platform anyway?

1 56

2 more days...

Wait for me. https://t.co/u4ibXiVOEA

7 100

Ever wondered what is more cursed than Yegor faces?
Try Draven faces.
Thanks Reon for ruining my sleep tonight

19 181