Celeste Hansenさんのプロフィール画像

Celeste Hansenさんのイラストまとめ

Chronically queer ill-ustrator in the Pacific Northwest. Has no idea what xyr doing.

Hopeless Fannibal.
Hot mess.


フォロー数:539 フォロワー数:824

Why thank you. I don't mind if I do.

I'm Celeste, a chronically queer ill-ustrator who adores body horror and emotionally intelligent monsters.

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Thank you for doing this. I hope you enjoy my work and find something that resonates with you. I'm Celeste, a chronically queer ill-ustrator who is fascinated by emotional monsters.

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Much thanks to for letting me know today is Super excited to add my latest piece to some of my favorite!

I'm a chronically queer ill-ustrator who would rather paint an emotional monster than anything else.

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Finally finished my portrait of from I wanted to make a piece that portrayed the angel with all the chaotic, tumultuous energy barely restrained by a frail human vessel.

Now to see if I can have prints ready for

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Celeste Hansen, chronically queer ill-ustrator. I adore body horror!

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Part of me wants this piece to be done, but the part of me that will always love season 5 Lucifer knows that there is more to add, more symbolism to weave into that affected insouciance.

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