Celeste Hansenさんのプロフィール画像

Celeste Hansenさんのイラストまとめ

Chronically queer ill-ustrator in the Pacific Northwest. Has no idea what xyr doing.

Hopeless Fannibal.
Hot mess.


フォロー数:539 フォロワー数:824

There has always just been so personal and enchanting about this piece. It's one of the very few pieces where when I decided it was done, I still loved it every bit as much as in the initial design stages.

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I think Lucia's almost ready for colour. But first, break for nausea and to take more meds for my migraine. Weeeeeee.

Can Lucifer just snap away my migraines? Kthxbye

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Wow, so, consistency, what's that?

But look, Lucifer is getting a bit more painting done. Roughing it in nicely.

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3K is a lofty goal that I will surpass someday, but not yet, I'm afraid.

I'm Celeste, a queer chronically ill-ustrator who is trying to find new inspiration in my art as I deal with my trauma in therapy!

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Yo, I did actual painting! I took a WIP from a few months back and made some headway. Credit totally goes to for suggesting we do a "creative hour" together, where she writes and I draw. It actually did get me painting.

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https://t.co/VNorJsy2e3 via

I'm having a 30% off sale on my Etsy shop through the end of March. Pop over and see if anything calls to you!

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Brave of you to assume I have found a way to deal with self-doubt... I mostly embrace it and make peace with the void as best I can.

I'm Celeste, resident enby disaster gremlin. I'm in any number of fandoms, never when they're at peak popularity, and I don't post consistently.

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Anyone who doesn't love Medusa is just wrong.

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