

Freelance artist. Currently working in my own comic. Likes A LOT to draw. Looking for job.

フォロー数:166 フォロワー数:386

Her default look is very good, already. Iconic, even. But, if I can, I have a take.

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Thanks for share this. I hope your work can be as fun as the original!

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Alguns OCs aleatórios de pessoas aleatórias.

Some random OCs from random persons.

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Certo, mutuals, meu médico disse que preciso relaxar. Dropem seus OCs aqui. Ah, e boa noite!

Right, mutuals, doc said I need to relax. Drop your OCs here. Oh, good night!

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Lembrem de pagar o IPVA, antes que multem até pedestre!

Pay your taxes before traffic tickets become walker tickets!

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Cansadão. Hora de botar a esposa, o filho e o pet pra dormir. Boa noite!

Tired! Time to put the wife, son and pet to sleep. Good night!

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Eles me pediram pra escolher entre uma montanha, uma ponte ou um ciborgue. Tô cansado, trombei tudo!

They asked to choose between a mountain, a bridge or a cyborg. I'm tired and mixed them all!

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