Hey, first time I'm tagged for an Art Train!

I generally avoid to repost old art, but, I'll make an exception today! Challenging:


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Eles me pediram pra escolher entre uma montanha, uma ponte ou um ciborgue. Tô cansado, trombei tudo!

They asked to choose between a mountain, a bridge or a cyborg. I'm tired and mixed them all!

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Cavaleiro Trapalhão vs Homem Castelo!

Às vezes, o castelo inimigo revida!

vs Castle Man!

Sometimes, the enemy castle counter-attack!

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Segurança primeiro, descer as cataratas do Iguaçú depois! Boa noite!

Safe first, go down the Niagara Falls after! Good night!

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Dia bom. Saia por aí, porquê amanhã, ninguém sabe!

Good day. Go on a stroll, because God knows what's happening tomorrow!

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Como Gil e Fairo se conheceram. Resumidamente. Eles brigam às vezes, mas não conseguem ficar longe um do outro!

How Gil and Fairo meet each other. In a nutshell. They brwal sometimes, but can't stay apart too long!

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Had nothing to offer today, too tired! Here's a late night offer!

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Algumas vezes, só olhar para este pessoal me faz feliz. E certo que minha parte boa ainda pesa mais que a parte ruim.

Sometimes, just look to these guys make me happy. And make me sure my good half still weighs more than my bad one.

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Happy birthday to from the crew!

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Lembrem, algumas vezes, o dragão é o seu verdadeiro amor!

Remember, sometimes, the dragon is your true love!

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Boa terça-feira, pessoal!

Good tuesday, everyone!

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Muito cansado e procurando me desintoxicar de ruídos mentais incômodos. Espero melhorar disso.

Very tired and detoxing from annoying mental buzzing. Hope to get better.

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Chuva. Sem papel. Riscando no Autodesk no café da manhã!

Raining. No paper. Doodling on Autodesk during the breakfast.

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Bom domingo a todos! Mesmo se a patroa for um dragão, leve ela pra dançar!

Good sunday! Take your girl to a dance, even if she's a dragon!

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