

Official account for the Smile Time Charity, an event run every December to support the Prevent Cancer Foundation. #SmileTimeCharity Organizer - @blackstar_258…

フォロー数:31 フォロワー数:105

Now I bet you've been wonderin', just what is this gang called and who's in charge? Well it's none other than the infamous, the dangerous, Los Sonrisa Pandilla, ran by . Although it's unknown to the public what he's been up to, we know it's been somethin' real bad.

5 11

All the poor artists are out of luck, because has been takin' all the supplies and sellin' 'em on the black market! With everythin' gettin' marked up in price, she's been just hoardin' it all to herself.

5 12

Havin' trouble tellin' what time it is? Blame for that. Since he's broken all the watches, no one knows what time it is! Speaking of, I think I'm late for something...

5 14

Arachnophobes love her and hate her, cause is keepin' all spiders to herself! The hope among everyone is that she's keepin' 'em so no one's gotta deal with 'em anymore, but the fear is that she's keepin' 'em for some planned attack.

5 15

Did you think this would be about some music that pirates were playin'? Well it ain't, cause has been stealing it instead! Some say she's been takin' it for evil, but some say she's just wantin' to dance to it.

8 18

And now here comes little miss who's been overfeedin' all the town's cats and gettin' 'em all plumped up! While the cats certainly are cute, the owners have been complainin' that the only thing the cats will eat now is a coffee biscuit.

4 15

Have you been noticin' that your livestock is missin'? Well that was the work of who seems to have some sort of fascination for takin' everyone's chickens away from them! I heard that the towns folks are still debatin' on whether to bonk him or burn him for his crimes.

8 20

Then next we got who was said to have been sellin' some sketchy games. Somethin' about some respawnin' man, and some farmaggedon? Sounds like some bedlam to me.

7 17