

C "Orion" V :: they/them
Do not trace, copy, or reupload my art
no longer uploading art here (unless AI scraping is rolled back)

フォロー数:314 フォロワー数:759

Took a break from drawing to put together an annual art summary though I won't put it up until the 23rd. In the meanwhile, I was reminded of that prompt of showing work from the beginning of the year versus the end

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Starting to come together

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"It was all sea, and sun, and quiet mornings..."
I got to drop Lea into Daybreak Town for my part of an art trade with !!

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Functioning Lesbian is one of the main characters of Tellurion, a game idea I've been sitting on for a few years, & she's chilling in the afterlife until she's later convinced to play in a gambit to get her life back

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Functioning Bi is the resident side-kick and cryptid extraordinaire of Linden Heights, my "If I made a cartoon, it'd be this" story

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Ah, jeez, thanks! Guess I'll write out some quick blurbs;;
Functioning Gay is my Stardew Valley character, their pastimes are fishing until 1:45AM and passing out in the snow, though they're starting to get a handle on the whole farming thing

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Done with this finally, time to build a maze

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I was asked about my KHUX PC's Halloween costume, so I drew the whole crew

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finished this ridiculous meme comic
I'll post it when it's not 2AM

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