

Animator / Artist / huge fantasy lover / Dark themed writer | Working on a comic 'Prelude to Ascent'| Always striving to improve and bring quality art

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:92

For a short while I felt like the cast's story being long was bad - that it must be compressed and kept shorter but denser to observe. But with time people talking to me mentioned how it's always resting in the slow build up, helping us get to know the characters and their lives.

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The known truth about healing and coping is that, we'll all stumble, make mistakes and feel scared, but it also doesn't have to be all there is to this. There are ways to get help or even find a reason to aim for self-improvement and recovery, like friends, dreams, smaller things

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Whoops, someone may be in a knack of trouble....
.. or maybe not. Maybe it's just a coincidence.

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One of the older pictures with Ninkoul's design when his clothing was still a work in progress (as well as exploring potential upgrades on it and his armor in later story arcs), and an improvement of his colors for anthro style for the first time

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So for those wondering what has been going on in the meantime I've been quiet:
well, this has been happening, so have a little peek.

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Page 30 (Prologue finale)
Into the unknown...

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Page 26
I guess it could be my imagination...
(Lineart and flat color by )

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Page 25
Wh--... Where did they go?
(Lineart and flat color by )

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Page 23
Well, this is alarming
(Lineart and flat color by )

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Work can be intense but thankfully all of it comes in enjoyment and with great people that help to grow, and I hope I can provide even better works of quality in the future with that or even do more in the future!
Take care until the next update!

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