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Not only the Virus campaign rooms can be still found on Habbo NL but also the 'Space Explorers' event rooms from 2006. Owned by: Donnie-Santini #Habbo #oldskool #nostalgia #event #game #spaceexplorers Check our @Habbox wiki for a recap of the event 👇
On Habbo NL u can still visit the 2008 Habboween 'virus' competition rooms. Bloody and gooey hospital beds can be found in different rooms. All rooms lead up to 10, but all copies of the first room. Owned by ZiekenhuisHabbo #Habbo #nostalgia #oldskool #hospital #virs #habboween
Another CC (also known as Costume Change, or Cozzie Change) Where players had to dress to impress by changing into something from a theme a Host gave like 'furniture' 'movie' etc.. "Costume Change. [win.5]" owned by: Snipped$ #Habbo #oldschool #nostalgia #cc #game #memories
Probably a never finished, or destroyed casino. "EPICLawlz" owned by: b34st