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Honestly after all the different versions with different Samurai armour and the same Decepticon backstory, Cyberverse was my favourite for having both the same approach, and doing something so different with him that it was ballsy. XD

2 20

Also Purge. Everything about Purge.

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A distraction? Sure. Here's Cassandra. :D

1 35

The moment that made me think Kitster was a young Boba Fett. This was before Episode II after all. XD

2 5

Beast Wars: The Ascending. Kind of a take on Beast Wars Neo with Unicron attempting another invasion. As someone who loves Beast Machines I respect this story for setting up that series to still happen in the continuity.

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Okay I'm bored, quick history of Beast Wars comics thread!

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Brian Ching's art is very recognisable. Love his work. :)

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