

Father, Husband. I draw, play instruments, workout, cook, games, gunpla, I sing 90’s R&B jams to my food before I eat it. 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 BlackLivesMatter…

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So... I made a paint for the deathscythe hell following the paint guide. And it kept bugging me cause the color it made seemed way wrong. So I went back at it.. added more white and some neutral grey and I think I got the color right.. I painted the tab where it says G2

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So I have a plan to paint my gundams in an evolutionary way. For the Shenlong I plan to use the lighter green from altron in place of the blue. To show that evolution.

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I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m gonna do the spare one I have in white then the rousette in that light purple and do hell in the darker purple. The light purple is actually the same light purple on hells mouth part and such.

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Facebook reminded me that it’s cold this time of year and that I drew this. I remember wanting to do one for each season. I had been drawing a lot of goku in the fall and started drawing more Megaman in the winter. So this was kind of a visual out with db in with mm 😂

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Oh shit that reminds me.. I’m about to take on a task bigger than I’ve ever done.. making a base for Tallgeese that’s gonna light up and mount off my wall

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I really wish I could watch this again.. Is x-men evolution on Disney +?

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