

Father, Husband. I draw, play instruments, workout, cook, games, gunpla, I sing 90’s R&B jams to my food before I eat it. 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 BlackLivesMatter…

フォロー数:432 フォロワー数:579

So at one point I was strictly just coloring to improve my skills and try new things. So I’d ask artists if I could color their lineart. Never finished any of these unfortunately.
Dash by I’ll-Coupre
Zero and X by Throgg
X by

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Ayye! I was looking on my old hard drive for some art I never finished and I found this thing. I lost the photoshop file so all I have is the PNG :( This had to have been around 2011? I remember I wanted that cool white gold hair look that some of the DBZ art had. never finished

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The original katoki deathscythe or devil gundam if that counts as a suit

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i dont hate it. just not sure which i like better

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The original idea was to paint it like this

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