

He/Him • 19 • Black • Bisexual • I draw sometimes • #1 Princess Daisy fan • Trans rights!!!

フォロー数:1574 フォロワー数:268

i'd be down to help! heres some stuff ive done in the past in pretty proud of

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i would do more but her chest device thingy wasnt looking good anytime i was drawing it

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its all coming together

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go watch pretty please

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hot take but i dont hate this one? idk the neon blue accents are pretty nice imo. could be a lot worse

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gotta love me some cartoony king villains

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i just want a animated movie with a black lead that doesn't get turned into something else for a majority of its runtime

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I would love to help out as an artist, heres some thomas related things ive done in the past. I have more examples of my work on instagram if interested:

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