

He/Him • 19 • Black • Bisexual • I draw sometimes • #1 Princess Daisy fan • Trans rights!!!

フォロー数:1574 フォロワー数:268

Heres one of my OC's, Tassie :) Shes a pretty down to earth chill type of person. Her best friend's Abigail, someone who is very friendly and loves whales. They've been through and have done everything together since diapers :)

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redid some sonic human designs, really proud of the amy one

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Im redesigning my human rendition of Amy and she kinda looks like that one pokemon trainer woops (full post coming soon probably njdmksfbnjsk)

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drew some human sonic characters just for the fun of it, might do more if im in the mood

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Maybe I should start posting more of my art on Twitter

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made some fanart of ' tanksona, i love them so much

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Super Mario Odyssey

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Yooo I literally just finished a Wario drawing earlier today

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