

Fearless Night lead artist/animator · Magical Girl and Idol Enthusiast · Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/50628…


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While the discussion of things being or not being Pokémon is ongoing I want to mention how Genshin Impact's creatures are really good at being "Things that Could Easily be Pokémon but are unique"

If you told me this was a lost Pokémon evolution line I would believe it.

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Biboo talking about playing Sonic Adventure 2 in the future.

It all starts with this...

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This woman can NOT stop getting into supernatural sexy situations

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Lately I've had videos of classic lego reviews in the background while I work and...

...What did Lego mean by this? 🤔

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I was never able to afford the figure itself, but I am forever grateful for these early 3d renders of that one Tsubasa figure that really show off the muscle definition of her back and legs.......

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Messing around with extremely limited pieces, but the basic shape and structure is there…

Someone give me a Lego budget and I’ll complete and perfect it 😭

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always happy to spread the good word of Symphogear!!!

Especially Maria.

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gotta respect the OG wife as well, tsubasa's tastes are PEAK

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