

Making a living on chain and tweeting about the crazy shit I see while doing it

フォロー数:1930 フォロワー数:97548

Woke up to a sale on my BAYC.

25.5e profit in a day.


14 609

Why did I buy this guy for 30e when the floor was 21e?

Cause he had 11.5e of unclaimed $ape AND an unclaimed land worth 4e in him

Even in a bear market..... NFTs are fun

98 2095

Traded the ape I just sniped for this guy!

Shoutout to my guy for the quick and easy swap

1 110

Sniped an unclaimed BAYC at floor and surely had a koda


69 2368

Rolled the cleanest gutter clone change my mind

2 80

Took my 2nd loss ever on a mutant yesterday out of 100+ mutant trades

Bought him thinking he was unclaimed (owner claimed 1 minute before i bought)

Dumped him for a ~3e loss as soon as I realized I got duped

Cant win them all 🤣

5 116

I'll simply just continue to buy fear 🤷‍♂️

7 109

Bought and sold this ape for ~9e (~$20,000) profit within 30 minutes last night

A short thread on how + why you should NEVER list any NFT in $ape

106 987

Rough seas make stronger sailors

Welcome a bored captain!

5 175