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A daily recap of the War of the Rebellion. When you see the little spool of thread emoji 🧵it means you shouldn’t just read the first tweet.

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As he personally directed the withdrawal, Garnett was shot and instantly killed by U.S. troops under General Thomas A. Morris, becoming the first confederate “general”killed during the His men broke and ran, leaving Garnett’s body, a cannon and 40 wagons of supplies.

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General George Meade was slow to follow with the main body of the Army of the Potomac, not arriving for nearly a week. By the time he did, the river had fallen and a new bridge was constructed, allowing Lee to escape with his army back into Virginia.

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His first task was to capture the New Orleans, which he accomplished in April, 1862, by daring to run his fleet past the confederate positions at Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi River.

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The local confederate commander, Theophilus Holmes, had over 7500 men available for the assault. The U.S. commander, General Benjamin Prentiss, had only 4100 troops, having seen over 10,000 men depart to reinforce the army at Vicksburg just days before.

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The Battle of Mountain was fought in 1864. Part of General William Tecumseh Sherman's Atlanta Campaign, it involved a frontal assault Sherman elected to launch on the confederate line at Kennesaw Mountain after a series of flanking movements failed.

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Foote was promoted to Commodore, and received the Thanks of Congress twice for leading his flotilla in the Battles of Fort Henry, and Island Number Ten. He was promoted to Rear Admiral in late 1862.

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Bvt Brig. General Frederick Benteen died in 1898. He served in the Trans-Mississippi Theater during the rising to Colonel and commanding a regiment of US Colored Troops.

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Meanwhile, the Kearsarge’s fire was more deliberate and far more accurate. After an hour of exchanging fire, Alabama was holed below the waterline and began to sink. Semmes struck his colors and sent a boat to Kearsarge to ask for assistance while his men abandoned ship.

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Winslow ordered Kearsarge to clear French waters before running up the US Navy Jack and turning to face the confederate ship. The Alabama fired the first shots, to no effect, and continued firing rapidly and somewhat wildly. Many shots bounded off the Kearsarge s armor cladding.

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Remaining mostly in the Cavalry, Merritt served on the Plains and then as Superintendent of West Point. During the Spanish-American War, he commanded the 8th Corps in the Philippines and captured Manila, after which he was named the first military governor of the Philippines.

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