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The Claremont Run is a SSHRC-funded academic initiative micro-publishing data-based analysis of Chris Claremont's 16 year run on Uncanny X-Men and spinoffs.

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:16921
# xmen

From there, Rachel becomes Dracula’s consort, a cruel fate for a character who had functioned as a rare and incredibly dynamic female protagonist at Marvel even prior to Storm’s debut. 5/8

1 49

Psylocke and Kitty both transitioned from somewhat fragile team members into capable offensive warriors, leaving very few women in the X-books with truly passive power-sets. 5/6

8 99

“One of the main elements which gave the Byrne/Claremont run an extra dimension compared with other material of the period was the continuing use of unresolved conflicts between the individual characters…” 2/5

5 61

Drawing heavily on Jack Kirby, the chief architect of the original Marvel aesthetic, Lee (with the help of Scott Williams on inks) rendered all male characters with the bodies of Arnold Schwarzenegger and all female characters with the body of a Barbie Doll. 2/8

8 101

Next, Rogue, Colossus, and Psylocke sparring. Tempers flare and parties lose control, foreshadowing the emotional corruption effect that Inferno will have on the X-Men, accelerating existing conflicts and simmering tensions into outright animosities. 7/10

2 59

Then Storm learning that Jean is still alive and absolutely hammering Logan for keeping this from her. He, in turn, reveals the pain this knowledge has caused him, thus re-establishing his unrequited love for Jean, setting up their eventual reunion in Inferno. 6/10

3 61

According to multiple oultines and some test corner box art found in the Claremont archives at Columbia University, Claremont was grooming Guido Carosella to be on the X-Men during the rebirth era (right after he appears in the Dazzler/Eric Beale storyline). 1/2

24 186

Though Logan’s dad was canonically identified as a random Canadian in “Wolverine: Origins,” Claremont’s original plan for the long-simmering backstory was to reveal that Sabretooth was his dad, and every year he would find and beat Logan on his birthday. 1/3

71 335

The influence of faith can be enormous on an artist (see Tolkien), but the most influential religion on the early portion of Claremont’s run was likely Wicca, a badly misunderstood faith, often shrouded in secrecy and obscured by popular myths about witchcraft. 1/5

33 188

For his part, Claremont is gracious in the interview, forthcoming and expansive regarding his original intentions for the books, while diplomatic about Kaye’s condemnations of the film. If he agrees with Kaye’s sentiment, he doesn’t mention it directly. 5/6

3 57