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New X-Men The ending of this comic felt like a whole big thing at the time, leaving me just dying for the next one. Feels sort of quaint now, given where things have gone. Great issue though, and I’m amazed all over again at how good these books looked.

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Your cover/creative team for the evening…

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Superman - Son of Kal-El Jon Kent's continuing journey from kid to compelling character...full review up now

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visualization of what’s it like to use comics twitter

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Your cover/creative team for the evening…

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Marvel Boy And a really entertaining comic comes to an end. The ending leaves us on a bit of a cliffhanger for a sequel series that never took place…but hey, it functions real well on its own as is. Just an outstanding bit of comics from all involved.

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had a tough time picking one comic of the I picked co-comics of the week because, hey, it's my website

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hey hey, all of the SDCC at home sales from the weekend are still on, although it should be noted that a few of them are set to end this evening

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I never get tired of the stories that make you think about whether everything should be ripped apart and put back together better.

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Wicked burn on humanity that probably holds even more true today.

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