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Finally, Asmodel coming back in the guise of a child is a pretty fun twist.

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This is a pretty adept way to handle any further questioning about the role of heaven, hell, or anything else related to religion in the DC Universe. Here’s the basics, let’s move past this, etc.

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Thinking about what I was doing at 22 — was not shining brighter than angels throughout eternity. Was, in fact, REALLY enjoying my superfluous fifth year of college, wherein I took like three classes.

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“Heaven, a short while ago...” is a very good scene setter.

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JLA - Paradise Lost So, we decided to do this little divergence because I thought the Zauriel arc and involved characters were interesting...and this doesn’t disappoint the expectations that I had. This first issue, it seems like a fun sidestep from the full run.

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“I’ll need a radical software upgrade...” strikes me as a very ‘90s sentence.

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These four panels (which aren’t even the entire page) deliver such a great condensed synopsis of what’s happening in this arc as well as what this issue’s stakes are.

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JLA This story arc is so epic, essentially what might be a modern event story or else worlds tale condensed into a few monthly issues. It also feels like we get shades of ideas Morrison would explore more intricately in Final Crisis, down to some similar moments.

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Get yourself some damn fine digital comics to read this weekend: my picks for Best comiXology Sales this weekend.

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