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Prometheus (Villains) This was an interesting issue, giving us an origin for the next villain en route toward the Justice League and also explaining away questions about how and why he’s fighting them now. Fun in parts, too.

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JLA Secret Files This is a fun issue, and I’m a Christopher Priest apologist who loves all his work, so his scripting was a treat. Ultimately, the point here is to re-assemble and ultimately expand the League. Good times for all.

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Meanwhile, the top ComiXology sales post for this weekend is all different kinds of excellent...

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I guess this is a happy ending? I don’t know, Jerry kind of sucked a little bit too, and the happier ending was probably for Shannon to take some time alone, go on vacation, really re-evaluate what she wants.

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Alternate title for all this was “JLA: The Good Place.”

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A thing in comics I like is when irregular panel borders convey the chaos within.

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JLA - Paradise Lost I’m not entirely sure how they beat Asmodel. I guess a big part of it had to do with Neron being a fickle ally. Still an entertaining read that ends by positioning Zauriel as an auxillary member of the team.

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JLA - Paradise Lost The plot thickens, which of course, this is a three-issue series. Nobody is standing still. This is a fast-moving book by necessity, and it reads well in this issue as it moves quickly toward its end locale — heaven.

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