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I wrote a whole paragraph for this feature about why I’m excited for this week’s new issue of X-Men but it could probably all just be boiled down to this cover, wherein Apocalypse has two swords.

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Finally, this sounds like it’s straight out of a Trump rally.

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Damn it. Jack’s style (right down to the baggy shorts and the pair of rollerblades in the corner) is a massive burn on 1997 me.

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Ah yes. The subtle art of letting the audience know what the hell is up by recapping, filling in gaps and then moving things forward.

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“I don’t know. It sounds good.” -Me in my undergrad creative writing workshops answering questions about my poetry and prose.

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The Invisibles Vol. 2, This is as good of a series reset or refresh or whatever as you could want. The artwork in this issue is just phenomenal, and the story plants a number of really interesting seeds to explore later. Very good issue.

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Heh. I noticed this mug in a previous issue and wondered what was up with it.

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The Invisibles Vol. 1, Throughout this arc I found myself wondering how they were going to sort of reverse the serious damage done to King Mob, and this was a good way. Lots of abstraction in an issue that was also climactic. Good stuff.

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Just love the artwork here.

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The Invisibles Vol. 1, The type of Invisibles issues in which reality is fuzzy, or rather fuzzier than usual, because Dane is locked in a deceitful battle of the mind. Great stuff.

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