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The Invisibles Vol. 1, Oof. Warning: Some of the imagery shared in this thread is pretty gruesome. But this is an action-heavy issue that shows us more of how and why The Invisibles function, moving the plot along rather quickly for a single issue.

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Doing a week of Jose Ladronn posts on IG because he rules. So hard.

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Finally, superb use of matching panels.

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That one line feels just a little evocative of the end of the Morrison Doom Patrol run, which upon my first read instantly became one of my favorite endings in all of comics.

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The Invisibles Vol. 1, Lots of other things on my mind tonight, but I still enjoyed this comic. I mean, Jill Thompson drew it, which is usually more than enough for me, but it also started to pull on some religious threads for reasons that aren’t clear yet.

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Feels like life’s going to move pretty fast about this one, as they say.

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The Invisibles Vol. 1, I think the first three issues taken together are structured really well. I felt smoothly indoctrinated into the world anyway, entertained and invested in the characters as the full nature of the became...uh...visible.

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The review team was out there this week, working hard to write about all the big releases:

Billionaire Island



Tales From The Umbrella Academy

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This is a pretty wild progression set against itself on opposite pages with a few procedural panels in between.

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UPDATE: Iron Man was absolutely excellent, a really smart and reorienting take on the character that stays true to its roots — up there with Immortal Hulk and HoX for best Marvel refreshes of late. Don’t miss this one...kudos to , CAFU, and the rest of the team.

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