

Writer, reviewer, comics enthusiast, lover of the obscure of forgotten. Always open for freelance work. Comics are good! He/him.

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:5448

It is perhaps not a coincidence that when Siegel and Shuster were removed from their own feature - the comic that made DC a hit - Lois began degenerating into a "nag", a weak damsel with petty motivations all centered around her crush on Superman, her silver age archetype.

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Something that I never appreciated until I sat down and read way too many old comics is how genre-breaking superhero comics were for female characters in the first half of the golden age. Siegel and Shuster's Lois was a capable, hard-nosed career woman, and often drove the plot.

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Ever since it was pointed out to me that pink being the color of Cybertronian "blood" in most canons means that pink Transformers are the equivalent of a human smearing themselves in red I can't unsee it.

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Yeah so it turns out Sy-Klone was never a Gar in the first place. It was never stated in the episode or indeed ever said in the series at all. It was all fan speculation which eventually bled over into actual canon about the Gar

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Since I gained a lot of new readers who may be interested in past topics about comics history I talked about, here's a few selections to get you started. Consult the master thread on my profile for all of them!

Links below:

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Next time somebody tells you they like it when Wonder Woman's costume is more "historically accurate" you can totally show them this picture and say "Yes I agree" though.

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Salvatore co-wrote this series with his son Geno and it has pretty cool art by David Baldeon. It is not light-hearted like Fell's Five at all but a very serious story, more in the line of the Drizzt ones.

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The Ultraverse is filled with strange forgotten treasures, such as this Rune double-page pinup by . The same issue also features a Lady Killer backup story by and of course a good main story by the late James Hudnall who everyone seems to sleep on.

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...bringing forth the unique features of the various breeds of dragons...

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The reason for this is that I realized in the first thread not everybody is as obsessive about minutiae and old lore of roleplaying games and thus the impact of what I want to talk about is lessened. So tonight we take a crash course in D&D!

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