

A place for my artwork.

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Bonus bc I asked my wife how to make it more interesting. She said juggling.

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"Your cookie payment has been accepted, . You now have our invaluable attention."

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It feel like I've worn this outfit for 3 days straight. Probably because I've worn this outfit for 3 days straight.

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An OC in a bunny onesie. That is all.

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Hey there, ! Y'all can call me Cordd. I don't draw "completed works" as much as I could/should, but I love love LOVE to draw. Here are a few of my favorites. Aiming to enter the someday!

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A piece from earlier this year that can finally be considered "good enough."

Penelope Pitstop and her sister Pandora from as racing queens bc it made sense in my head. New one on the left, old one on the right.

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Gonna start going thru my art to-do list. It's a little too long for my taste.

Here's an old drawing of from 2019. Back when i was waay more obsessed with

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My gf drew one of my OCs and I realized I never actually posted an image of them.

Meet Zipper, a Skullgirls oc from waayy back when. Still one of my favorite characters to doodle from time to time.

Nude version bc why not.

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Something that inevitably happens during the character designing process.

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