

I'm a purple sissy cat that paints stuff and hoards plushies.

フォロー数:499 フォロワー数:986

D-daddy, I uh, I wasn't a big girl while you were at workies today. C-can you bounce me on your knee and bottlefeed me some choco milkies while we watch ponies when you get home? And maybe the talk about how I'm never going to grow up? It's my favorite...

Gift from

3 17

A wild appears! She's not a shiny, but she sure needs a bath!

5 26

Another gross sticker commission for Someone get him a towel and a breath mint or ten.

4 18

Another gross sticker for More coming soon... after I get changed.

4 40

Art by

"I pooped my diaper. Can I have a diaper change please?"

"Oh, I don't think so. Get your butt on that table."

10 33

Daddy left me somewhere safe while he was on lunch break at a restaurant across the street. He didn't want me to leak in the restaurant, and he even pulled down my rubber panties so I wouldn't overheat. How nice of him. Wait, everyone can see my diaper? Eep! Art by

5 25

Daddy finally admitted that I should get potty trained at some point. I don't have to use it if I would rather use my diapers, but he said I should at least know how.

Art by

3 18

More messy versions by Squish squish.

8 21

Messy versions of some sketches by Squish.

10 24

Coren is now 20% more in need of changies.
Art by

7 28