

Mainly games and other variety things I tweet on here.

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:81

Me, one tricking Wigglytuff:

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They look like they have lunch every Saturday night and gossip about their husbands behind their backs.

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Remember Eri from My Hero Academia? This is her now. Feel old yet?

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Why did I not make this connection sooner? Literally looks like Jenna from Golden Sun

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1. Wigglytuff
2. Bellossom
3. Banette
4. Drifblim or Yanmega
5. Audino
6. Slurpuff
7. Magearna
8. Arctovish
9. Bombirdier

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Waiting until the show comes back in October

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They look so good! Ethan, Crystal, and Lyra dripped out

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