Syntax ✨さんのプロフィール画像

Syntax ✨さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:176 フォロワー数:480

Overall a 7/10 episode for me. It was a decent episode. The beginning was extremely boring and a head scratcher, but later on I really liked the tactics used and I loved that callback to the Sinnoh League.

I have high expectations for the final 1 on 1 matchup

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I think this one is the best overall lol

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Same. I had some issues with Lycanroc during SM but it still is one of my favorite Ash mons

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Also of course Alain did more what ?? He literally worked under Lysander to help Marnie and her Chespin.

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There was a journey with complications along with it and a whole mini arc. I’m not sure what you are talking about because there were a lot of episodes focused specifically on Ash and Greninja accomplishing and training for the form.

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At the end you can see him work towards this and start over with Greninja. Once again reestablishing his true character that Serena admired.

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Here are some more that I thought of. I have some other images too but there are some that came to mind

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The whole point of his mini arc in Snowbelle City was to not get overconfident and was frustrated. He didn’t remain the same afterwards. If you actually payed attention while watching, you would’ve realized he changed and realized his wrongdoing.

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Since its I wanted to share one of my all time favorite episodes. The story that was told in this mini arc was simply phenomenal and I loved every moment of it. 💙

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